Download the Complete Google Shopping Ads Guide

Running a profitable ecommerce business requires a successful Google strategy. 

And the basis of a successful Google strategy is simple:

Spend at least 60% of your paid search budget on Google Shopping.

Why? Because:

  • It’s more valuable: Two-thirds of all paid clicks on Google go to Google Shopping Ads
  • It’s cheaper: Shopping campaigns, in almost all cases, have lower CPCs than traditional search campaigns 
  • It’s more effective: Google Shopping generates and captures demand, opening up new audiences rather than exhausting old ones

Unfortunately, most SEM “experts” ignore Google Shopping in favor of easier remarketing wins.

It’s no surprise that those same experts report strong numbers … and fail to unlock new growth.

Ready to scale Google Shopping across your funnel?

Then download the complete guide … to be everywhere your customers look

This comprehensive guide includes:

  • Definitions of all Google campaign types
  • What percentage of your budget you should spend on each stage of the funnel
  • How to correctly set up Google Merchant Center with Shopify
  • How to increase click-thru rate by optimizing your product names
  • A full Google account set-up checklist

Google Shopping Ecommerce Guide: PDF Download

Ready to transform your Google Ads?

Download the guide now to start claiming the most-valuable real estate on Google.