Setting Monthly Revenue Targets

Common Thread Collective

by Common Thread Collective

Jul. 11 2024

For most brands, monthly revenue targets are either:
  1. Arbitrary — set by leadership because they want to grow a certain amount year-over-year (even if that’s impossible)
  2. Delivered by a finance team that has no idea what’s even possible on the marketing side
In this video, CTC Director of Growth Strategy Luke Austin breaks down how to end that cycle and set monthly targets that align with both the marketing and financial realities of your business. You’ll learn how to:
  • Determine revenue targets based on real operating costs. How much money do you really need to make to stay afloat?
  • Set goals across acquisition channels
  • Set expectations for profit across the month

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Together with …
  • Recharge is your all-in-one subscription platform for retention and growth.
  • Richpanel is the help desk software that helps you create a seamless support experience for both the customer & support teams.

Common Thread Collective

Common Thread Collective is the leading source of strategy and insight serving DTC ecommerce businesses. From agency services to educational resources for eccomerce leaders and marketers, CTC is committed to helping you do your job better.

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