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- A massive spreadsheet of 700+ offers
- 3125 offer screenshots
- Q4 Holiday Planning Calendar Template
- Q4 Offer Calculator
Get ready for Q4 success! In this video, Max Rosewater walks you through everything you need to know to optimize your ad strategy for the most critical time of the year—Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the holiday season.
Max covers key insights on controlling ad costs, building a winning campaign structure, and crafting creative strategies that stand out in a crowded marketplace. With the added challenges of election-year advertising and a shorter sales window, having a proactive approach is essential.
Whether you’re looking to maximize profitability or drive massive new customer growth, this guide will help you stay ahead and make this Q4 your most profitable yet. Don’t miss out on these actionable insights!
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Purchase the BFCM Offers Database and you'll get:
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