Whether you’re a waiter, an athlete, or–in my case–a graphic designer, you’re never immune to criticism. If a server takes too long to bring your drinks, a quarterback throws three interceptions, or a designer creates designs that just don’t move the needle, there will always be critics waiting to share their two cents. How you absorb the criticism builds confidence.
I always thought I took criticism well until I stumbled upon a podcast called “Adventures In Design” with Mark Brickey. Mark is an illustrator, designer, and now well-respected podcaster who specializes in poster work for concerts and events.
As a designer, I’m constantly researching design work from other industries. Out in the Design-o-sphere, it’s easy to realize how many great designers there are. Once you do, questions surface like, “Am I good enough? Can I do what they do?” When that happens, it’s common to fall prey to mimicking their work, which sounds like a great idea at first; but then haunts you because it’s always different when you have different applications for different clients. Going through this drives me crazy and causes me to doubt myself as a designer.
In his keynote, Mark Brickey turns this idea of copycat on it’s head. He argues that you are good because you are not them. You have your own style. Clients hired you because they like your work, not theirs. It is good to be inspired by other designers, but don’t be afraid to put your own spin on things and use the talents and points of view that you have to make great work.
Brickey goes on to explain how a designer’s work is not complete after merely sending his work. As a designer, we must also be a salesperson when presenting our work. And the most important thing any designer can do when presenting their work is to sell with a confidence that resembles that of the undisputed, most confident person on the planet, Kanye West.
No one human should ever be 100% Kanye
The post Teach Me Tuesday: 50% Kanye appeared first on Common Thread Collective.
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